Tuesday, May 5, 2020

ArcMap Missing Marker Symbols, North Arrows, and other symbols

When opening a map document (ArcMap 10.4.1), it appeared that the layers' point symbols were missing.  After investigating, all the marker symbols (and north arrows) were listed but the graphics were missing.

Tried reinstalling the esri fonts, that didn't work.  Tried doing the repair option on Arcmap (control panel) and that didn't work.  Even tried reinstalling ArcMap...but symbols were still missing after reinstalling ArcMap.

Here is the fix we came up with and everything looks great and back to normal:

1.  We removed all the esri fonts from the registry (you may want to skip this part and go right to step 2...but this is what we did and it worked).

2.  Uninstall esri fonts...but do it from the windows button (start), personalization, fonts, and had to uninstall each individually

3.  installed esri fonts by going to control panel, fonts, and dragging the esri fonts into that folder

I had to copy the esri fonts from another computer that had arcmap installed on it.  I am guessing this issue occurred because the computer had been upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7.

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