Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My top Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Free Software

Being in IT but not being an IT expert or professional, I have had to deal with viruses and malware fairly regularly.  I thought I would make a list of the things I have used to deal with these problems.  All of these items are free to download.  If you are an IT professional, this is "kid stuff" but if you are like me and have to fix these things but don't have any experience....I'm going to share what I did and learned.

I have tried and used several anti-virus suites of software.  I would have no problem recommending any of the following:  AVG, Avast, Panda Cloud, Avira, and Microsoft Security Essentials.

Of course, things get more difficult when a nasty virus/malware slips thru and disables your anti-virus.

My go to program is Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Free.  I install this on any computer I sit down and work on.  Awesome tool and is the first thing I use to try and remove malware.  If you don't have any luck with it, be sure to try using it in Safe Mode (with networking).

8 out of 10 times, Malwarebytes solves the problem.  But ocasionally it doesn't get everything.  I have found Combofix to be my next weapon.  It is a little intimidating (and very powerful).  But follow the directions and it will work.

I cam across some other anti-malware that I haven't' used before (but will):

emisisoft emergency kit 2.o

Norman Malware Cleaner 2.1

Norton Power Eraser